The Friends of Metro Parks supports projects, events, and practices that support our advocacy and outreach efforts that further the long-term mission of the organization.
Career Exploration Program
The purpose of the program is to introduce middle school and high school students of color to careers in parks and the environmental sector to improve diversity in the sector and to encourage the recruitment of talent from within our own community. Funding is provided by the Friends of Metro Parks through a grant provided by the Dominion Foundation.

Camping For All
In 2022, Friends of Metro Parks is supporting the design and purchase of overnight camping kits so Summit County residents can learn and try out camping.
Camping kits include tents, sleeping mats, cooking gear, and other equipment to make camping both safe and enjoyable. The Summit Metro Parks will distribute the camping kits during their summer camping programs and will make the kits available after an initial review phase.

Pathways to Parks
The Friends of Metro Parks provides grants upon approval to community organizations and schools for activities, materials, and transportation that cultivate an appreciation for nature and foster the next generation of parks goers.
Grants are available on an application basis to Summit County organizations and schools to support programming in coordination with the Summit Metro Parks.